Clara Durán Calero
13/12/2015 – 20/12/2015
Παραστατικές Τέχνες
Τίτλος πρότζεκτ: ” ”
Η Clara Calero είναι μια μουσικός από την Ισπανία που βρέθηκε στο Κέντρο Χορού Ακροποδητί στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος καλλιτεχνικής κατοικίας (Artistic Residency).
Για μια εβδομάδα δούλεψε με μέλη του Χοροθεάτρου Ακροποδητί και το αποτέλεσμα αυτής της δουλειάς θα παρουσιάστηκε στο κοινό.
Λίγα λόγια για την παρουσίαση:
For any economical system, people are considered as productive bodies, one more element of the engine. Individuals are immersed in the culture of performing and are constantly required to show and produce, having to push aside feelings, physical needs and all what really makes their lives meaningful. The starting point of the project is the time restrictions set by our lifestyle. The score is structured in fixed periods of time that explore the following topics: labor time-free time, productive body-human body, performing needs-emotional needs. The piece is a critique to the performing society we are subdued to and the effects this causes in our lives. It is an invitation to take action: only we possess the power to prioritize and decide where we want to invest the time we have left.
Clara Calero