Voice in Movement | from Soma to Ensemble Releasing the Voice & Circles of Polyphonic Improvisation with Anna Luna Louvari
January 25-26th, 2025
Saturday, 14:30-17:30
Sunday, 11:00-15:00
Δήλωση συμμετοχής: έως την Τετάρτη 22 Ιανουαρίου
Monday – Friday: 16:00 – 21:00, Saturday 11:00 – 13:00
Phone number: 22810-80690, E-mail: akropoditidancecentre@gmail.com
Voice in Movement | from Soma to Ensemble
Releasing the Voice & Circles of Polyphonic Improvisation with Anna Luna Louvari
A workshop for releasing the voice through movement and touch, and for creating polyphony in the moment
Releasing the Voice
An exploration of how movement and physical touch liberate breath and sound, how they reveal new possibilities in the voice’s range, volume and qualities, and mostly, how they allow us to connect with what wants to be expressed and let the voice to give it form through improvisation.
We’ll work individually and in pairs.
Circles of Polyphonic Improvisation
We cultivate the ability to listen, to tune in as an ensemble and create music in the moment, by working tools like the drone notes (ison), the creation of four-voices soundscapeς with the gradual addition of rhythmic and melodic patterns, and the moment of the solo- when the ensemble creates a harmonized base for one voice to step upon and improvise.
We’ll work as a group.
Fee: 55 euro
* For Akropoditi Dance & Performing Arts Centre’s students, university students, unemployment: 50 euro
Duration: 7 hours
The workshop is a combination of the different approaches she has trained in and discoveries from her own practice, brought together by the need to share the magic that happens when one allows to be guided by their voice and body, as well as the power of many different voices joining each other harmonically into the song of the moment.
Εxcerpts from the workshop: https://youtu.be/eZs5AxHCq_I?si=o2eZAtebVcPLOZPK
Anna Luna Louvari
Anna Luna Louvari studied contemporary dance (preparatory year in the State School of Dance, 1st BA year in Trinity Laban Conservatoire for Music and Dance) and then, searching for studies that combined both movement and voice exploration, she moved towards pbysical theatre and started training with teachers such as Rosa Prodromou, Alexandra Kazazou, Julianna Bloodgood, Rafal Habel, among others, while then she graduated from BA in Acting in Dilos Theatre School (2020). Continuing this work, the release of the voice through movement became her emphasis, so she started training with teachers of the Roy Hart Centre such as Ulrik Barfod, Edda Hegg, Walli Hoffinger among others, and then she graduated from the one year course “Voice in Artistic Expression” at the Centre Artistique International Roy Hart (2024) As it comes to singing, she begun to love it as a member of choirs and later on trained individually with Dinah Stieringer, Evangelia Karakatsani and others. She has worked in theatre and with children (play based teaching and musical – movement play in groups), and since 2022 she is giving workshops on releasing the voice and polyphonic improvisation.