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January 2024

Ακροπατώντας στην Ερμούπολη 579 724 dancecenter

Ακροπατώντας στην Ερμούπολη

18 Ιουνίου 2023
Σημείο έναρξης: Πλατεία Αγνώστου Ναύτη

Ακροπατώντας στην Ερμούπολη
Μια αλλιώτικη βόλτα στην πόλη μας, μέσα από τις χορευτικές διαδρομές των μικρών και μεγάλων μαθητών και μαθητριών μας

Η διαδρομή που θα ακολουθήσουμε απεικονίζεται στον παρακάτω χάρτη
Ακροπατώντας στην Ερμούπολη

Διδασκαλία: Μαίρη Βαρθαλίτου, Κωνσταντίνα Θανασούλη, Αριάδνη Κίτσου, Μαρία Μεντή-Μερμίγκη, Δημήτρης Μπαλτάς, Ευτυχία Πανοπούλου, Μάντη Παπανδρέου, Ανθούλα Χαιροπούλου
Σχεδιασμός αφίσας και προγράμματος: Βιβή Σκλιά

Φωτογραφία: Δημήτρης Γκούβης, Μυρτώ Γκίκα, Γιάννης Γιαννούλης
Βίντεο: Μυρτώ Γκίκα, Γιάννης Γιαννούλης

2nd and 3rd Feldenkrais Courses Cycle 2023-24 1024 691 dancecenter

2nd and 3rd Feldenkrais Courses Cycle 2023-24

07 February – 27 March (2nd courses cycle)
27 March – 24 April (3rd
 courses cycle)
(EVERY WEDNESDAY, 19:30 – 20:45)

Απαραίτητη δήλωση συμμετοχής: έως το Σάββατο 23 Μαρτίου (3ος)
Δευτέρα-Παρασκευή: 16:00-21:00, Σάββατο: 11:00-13:00, τηλέφωνο: 22810-80690
Προκαταβολή: 35 ευρώ – 25 ευρώ
* Για την κατοχύρωση της θέσης σας είναι απαραίτητη η προκαταβολή του ποσού των 35 ευρώ μέχρι και τις 06/02/2024 και των 25 ευρώ μέχρι και τις 23/03/2024 αντίστοιχα.

Κόστος 2ος κύκλος:
Κόστος κύκλου 8 μαθημάτων: 65 ευρώ
Κόστος κύκλου 4 μαθημάτων: 40 ευρώ
Κόστος 1 μαθήματος: 12 ευρώ

Κόστος 3ος κύκλος:
Κόστος κύκλου 5 μαθημάτων: 45 ευρώ
Κόστος 1 μαθήματος: 12 ευρώ

* Η συμμετοχή στα μαθήματα δηλώνεται απαραιτήτως στην αρχή κάθε κύκλου.
Οι κύκλοι μαθημάτων συνεχίζονται καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια της χρονιάς.

Παρακαλούμε θερμά τους μαθητές και τις μαθήτριές μας να επικοινωνούν με τη γραμματεία τηλεφωνικά στο 22810-80690 ή μέσω ηλεκτρονικού μηνύματος στο email πριν έλθουν στα μαθήματα αν δεν έχουν ολοκληρώσει την εγγραφή τους κατά την περίοδο των εγγραφών.

The Feldenkrais Method® of somatic education uses gentle movement and directed attention to help people learn new and more effective ways of living the life they want. You can increase your ease and range of motion, improve your flexibility and coordination, and rediscover your innate capacity for graceful, efficient movement. Since how you move is how you move through life, these improvements will often enhance your thinking, emotional regulation, and problem-solving capabilities.

The Feldenkrais Method is based on principles of physics, biomechanics, and an empirical understanding of learning and human development. Moshe Feldenkrais said, “We move according to our perceived self-image.” By expanding your perception and increasing awareness, you will become more aware of your habits and tensions and develop new ways of moving. By increasing sensitivity, the Feldenkrais Method assists you to live your life more fully, efficiently, and comfortably.

You can experience the Feldenkrais Method in two ways. Awareness Through Movement® lessons are taught in a group setting, with students following the verbal instructions of the teacher. Functional Integration® sessions are one on one lessons where the fully clothed student is guided through touch, movement and verbal instruction.

* Τι πρέπει να έχετε μαζί σας: Άνετα ρούχα, κάλτσες, μια μικρή κουβέρτα και ένα μικρό μαξιλαράκι.
* Συστήνεται στα μαθήματα να φέρνει ο καθένας το δικό του στρωματάκι (στην περίπτωση που το διαθέτει ήδη) και το δικό του παγούρι ή μπουκαλάκι με νερό.

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες για τη Μέθοδο Feldenkrais:

Vasso Giannakopoulou
Vasso Giannakopoulou is a choreοgrapher and dance artist based in Athens, Greece. She studied dance at the professional schools of D. Grigoriadou, at the State School of dance and at the Performing Arts Center from where she graduated. Being constantly inspired by motion, she has dedicated herself to the research of the human body and this is what led her to her later studies on the Feldenkrais method.
Since 1990 her career has been enriched with her participation in international productions and teaching of contemporary dance. In 2003 she started her career as choreographer presenting her work “Night Mirror” in the International Dance Festivals of Athens and Kalamata. She co-founded with light designer Tassos Palaioroutas “Dalika Dance Theater” in 2004.
Her work and projects have been presented internationally and have been supported by the Ministry of Culture of Greece.
She colaborated with D. Papaioannou and formed part of his choreographic team in the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games 2004 and in the opening ceremony of the first European Games in Baku /Azerbaijan 2015.
She is a founding member of the Dance Association of Greece, “Syndesmos Chorou”, a group of Greek choreographers with which they have carried out and presented a series of actions, and performancesat the Athens & Epidaurus Festival, Kalamata International Dance Festival, in theaters and events throughout Greece.
Αs a certified Feldenkrais practitioner has been regularly teaching group and individual Feldenkrais classes in Athens and Syros Island and organizes seminars worldwide.


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    Physicalising our identity through movement: Masterclass by Julian Nichols and Alex Henderson 1024 691 dancecenter

    Physicalising our identity through movement: Masterclass by Julian Nichols and Alex Henderson

    Saturday February 24th 2024, 17:00-20:00
    Free submission

    Απαραίτητη δήλωση συμμετοχής: έως την Παρασκευή 23 Φεβρουαρίου
    Δευτέρα-Παρασκευή 16:00-21:00 και Σάββατο 11:00-13:00, τηλέφωνο: 22810-80690

    Physicalising our identity through movement
    Masterclass by Julian Nichols and Alex Henderson
    Length: 3 hours

    Engaging in a guided warm-up session, participants will focus on building connections, trust, and fostering a positive atmosphere. Icebreaker activities will encourage the sharing of personal stories, creating a sense of community and empathy among attendees.
    Participants will delve into improvisation exercises, promoting free movement and self-expression. Emphasis will be on exploring individual identities, gender expressions, and unique artistic voices. Facilitators will offer prompts to guide participants in translating their emotions into movement, fostering a deeper connection to the subject matter.
    The masterclass will include choreographic phrases designed to explore LGBTQ+ themes and experiences, incorporating diverse dance styles. Participants will broaden their movement vocabulary while deepening their understanding of the subject matter, connecting it to their personal journeys.

    Julian Nichols

    Julian Nichols, born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, is a talented dancer, choreographer, and activist. He has made significant contributions to the world of contemporary dance, both as a performer and as a promoter of gender inclusivity in the field. In 2017, Julian graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Conservatory of Dance at Purchase College, SUNY. During his time at college, he had the opportunity to study abroad at Taipei National University of the Arts in Taipei, Taiwan, where he collaborated with renowned international artists, broadening his perspective on dance. Throughout his career, Julian has had the privilege of performing works by several esteemed choreographers, including Aszure Barton, Tom Weinberger, Jose Limón, Brian Brooks, Kyle Abraham, Darryl Tracy, Allen Kaeja, Rosalind Newman, Emily Molnar, Alexander Whitley, Carol Anderson, Fanny Ghoreyab, Hanna Kiel, Maxine Doyle, and Roy Assaf. His repertoire showcases his versatility and skill, allowing him to interpret a wide range of choreographic styles and concepts. Julian’s talent and versatility were also recognized when he had the opportunity to dance for Hanna Kiel’s Human Body Expression, demonstrating his artistic range in different collaborative endeavours. Additionally, Julian has made significant contributions to the Amina Khayyam Dance Company, showcasing his exceptional talent and dedication as a dancer. His involvement with Nimbus Dance Works as a company member and his guest artist work with The Limón Company further solidify his reputation within the dance community. Furthermore, Julian’s skills have been sought after in the realm of television, music videos, and commercials, where he has brought his artistry to the screen, captivating audiences with his performances. His ability to adapt and excel in diverse settings is a testament to his versatility and professionalism as a dancer. Whether on stage, in front of the camera, or collaborating with fellow artists, Julian continues to leave an indelible mark on the dance industry. In his quest for artistic growth, Julian has actively sought training opportunities at prestigious dance programs and workshops. He has participated in Springboard Danse Montreal, The School at Jacob’s Pillow, Momentum Montreal, and the Movement Invention Project. These experiences have allowed him to refine his technique, expand his creative horizons, and connect with dancers and choreographers from around the world. In recent years, Julian has shifted his focus towards composition and activism. He founded his own nonprofit organization called Bodies in Action ~ enGendering Contemporary Dance, with the aim of promoting equal representation of all gender identities in the field of contemporary dance. Through this initiative, Julian strives to challenge traditional norms and create a more inclusive and diverse dance community. Since its inception, Julian has created a short dance film, two evening-length works, and multiple duets, solos, and group pieces. Julian’s passion for dance extends beyond his own performances and activism. He has also shared his knowledge and expertise through teaching engagements. He has conducted company classes for prestigious dance companies such as the Rambert Dance Company, New Adventures, Corey Baker Dance in London, and NDC Wales in Cardiff. By teaching and mentoring aspiring dancers, Julian contributes to the growth and development of the next generation of dance artists. Currently based in London, UK, Julian continues to make a profound impact on the dance world through his performances, choreography, and advocacy work. His dedication to pushing boundaries, challenging stereotypes, and fostering inclusivity in contemporary dance establishes him as a dynamic and influential figure in the field.


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      Workshop of visual arts and movement with Valentine Bouvet 1024 691 dancecenter

      Workshop of visual arts and movement with Valentine Bouvet

      Saturday January 20th: 17:30-20:00
      Free submission

      Απαραίτητη δήλωση συμμετοχής: έως την Παρασκευή 19 Ιανουαρίου
      Δευτέρα-Πέμπτη 16:00-21:00, Παρασκευή 17:00-21:00 και Σάββατο 10:00-13:00, τηλέφωνο: 22810-80690


      THE BOUNDLESS FOOD WORKSHOP is a live model course, with dancers exploring their gestures, to capture natural and exaggerating movements of their own eating habits. Participants, in turn, will pose and capture these gestures, like a therapy.
      With this masterclass, I invite participants –from 16 years old– to embark on a sensory journey, challenging themselves to question their own relationship with food, confront their boundaries and discover new possibilities of moving.

      Valentine Bouvet

      Valentine BOUVET is a French artist and figurative painter born in 1994.
      Her journey as an artist began during her childhood and later when she was experimenting with different art mediums. She first studies applied arts during high school where she developed a real interest in drawing and fashion design. Then, she decided to deepen both cursus and practice her art aside working for different brands as fashion designer.
      During her 20’s, Valentine developed a deep passion for paintings and was particularly drawn to the expressive power of color. Her works delves into a wide range of costal and cultural issues, such as gender stereotypes, consumerism, beauty standards and the impact of social media. This year, she participates, for the second time, to Le Cercle de l’Art, a big community of women artists who work on sharing their artistic process and encouraging others to use art as a means of expression and social change.


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        Julian Nichols 1024 819 dancecenter

        Julian Nichols

        19/02/24 – 26/02/24

        Performing Arts
        Title of the project: “Affirming our Identity: A co-creative project”

        Description of project:
        Affirming our Identity: A co-creative project

        This ambitious and transformative project is dedicated to delving into the profound experiences of LGBTQ+ artists, a queer composer, and the general public, as they navigate the intricate web of systemic discrimination based on their gender identity and sexual orientation. Through the careful curation of renowned artists from diverse backgrounds around the world, the project endeavors to foster connections among communities, providing valuable opportunities for engagement in high-quality dance. Moreover, this project seeks to shine a spotlight on positive role models, illuminating the path towards acceptance, understanding, and societal transformation. In close collaboration with relevant partners, the project will place utmost importance on cultivating engagement and support for the vibrant LGBTQIA+ community. With a strong focus on inclusivity, participants from the broader LGBT population will have the exceptional opportunity to embark on an empowering journey, exploring their boundless creativity through expertly guided movement improvisation sessions. These sessions, led by seasoned queer teachers, will serve as pivotal moments in shaping our collective creative process. Collaborating seamlessly with esteemed queer dance professionals, we will work tirelessly to craft an awe-inspiring evening-length performance piece. This performance will serve as a captivating tapestry, interwoven with the aspirations, dreams, and narratives of the participants, ultimately placing them at the very heart of our extraordinary artistic journey. The culmination of our collective efforts will not only bring crucial issues into the spotlight but also kindle a fervent desire for meaningful social change.
        Guided by the expertise of our accomplished queer teachers, participants will embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and expression. Through movement improvisation sessions, we will create a safe and supportive space where participants can freely explore their unique identities, transcending societal norms and embracing their authentic selves. These sessions will provide a profound opportunity to connect with the deepest facets of one’s being, tapping into emotions, experiences, and personal stories that shape the tapestry of their lives. As participants embark on this voyage of self-exploration, the dance floor will become a sacred space for catharsis, growth, and empowerment.
        By joining forces with distinguished queer dance professionals, we will forge a collaborative environment that nurtures and celebrates artistic growth. Drawing from a rich tapestry of dance styles and techniques, participants will expand their movement vocabulary, unleashing their creative potential. As they learn and embody choreographic phrases that are specifically designed to explore LGBTQ+ themes and experiences, participants will forge a deep connection with the subject matter. This process of transformation will empower individuals to communicate their personal narratives through the language of dance, transcending boundaries and inspiring others with their resounding authenticity.
        In addition to the transformative power of movement, this project will foster a culture of open dialogue, inspiring discussions, and collective reflection. Intimate group discussions, carefully facilitated by our experienced team, will provide a platform for participants to delve into the profound themes explored through improvisation and choreography. These discussions will invite participants to share their insights, questions, and lived experiences, cultivating a deep sense of empathy and understanding among the group. As diverse perspectives intertwine, new insights will emerge, challenging preconceived notions and fostering growth on both personal and societal levels.
        The culmination of this extraordinary journey will be an enchanting and thought-provoking evening-length performance. Participants will have the opportunity to showcase their individual or collective creations, breathing life into their stories, struggles, and triumphs. Through a captivating tapestry of movement and artistic expression, the performance will serve as a profound medium for storytelling, illuminating the path towards social change. With each step, leap, and gesture, participants will inspire audiences to embrace diversity, challenge prejudice, and foster a more inclusive world.
        This visionary project endeavours to transcend the boundaries of dance, delving deep into the experiences of LGBTQ+ artists, a queer composer, and the general public. By nurturing creativity, embracing diversity, and igniting conversations, we aim to break down the barriers of systemic discrimination. Through guided movement improvisation sessions, the acquisition of choreographic phrases, and empowering discussions, participants will embark on a transformative journey of self-expression, growth, and empowerment. With the support and collaboration of esteemed queer dance professionals, we will collectively weave an evening-length performance that breathes life into the participants’ aspirations, placing their narratives at the heart of our artistic journey. Ultimately, this project aims to illuminate crucial issues, inspire empathy, and ignite a fervent desire for social change, paving the way towards a more inclusive and accepting society for all.

        Open presentation: Sunday February 25th 2024
        20:30, Free Entrance

        Physicalising our identity through movement: Masterclass by Julian Nichols and Alex Henderson
        Saturday February 24th 2024, 17:00-20:00
        Free submission

        Julian Nichols

        Julian Nichols, born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, is a talented dancer, choreographer, and activist. He has made significant contributions to the world of contemporary dance, both as a performer and as a promoter of gender inclusivity in the field. In 2017, Julian graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Conservatory of Dance at Purchase College, SUNY. During his time at college, he had the opportunity to study abroad at Taipei National University of the Arts in Taipei, Taiwan, where he collaborated with renowned international artists, broadening his perspective on dance. Throughout his career, Julian has had the privilege of performing works by several esteemed choreographers, including Aszure Barton, Tom Weinberger, Jose Limón, Brian Brooks, Kyle Abraham, Darryl Tracy, Allen Kaeja, Rosalind Newman, Emily Molnar, Alexander Whitley, Carol Anderson, Fanny Ghoreyab, Hanna Kiel, Maxine Doyle, and Roy Assaf. His repertoire showcases his versatility and skill, allowing him to interpret a wide range of choreographic styles and concepts. Julian’s talent and versatility were also recognized when he had the opportunity to dance for Hanna Kiel’s Human Body Expression, demonstrating his artistic range in different collaborative endeavours. Additionally, Julian has made significant contributions to the Amina Khayyam Dance Company, showcasing his exceptional talent and dedication as a dancer. His involvement with Nimbus Dance Works as a company member and his guest artist work with The Limón Company further solidify his reputation within the dance community. Furthermore, Julian’s skills have been sought after in the realm of television, music videos, and commercials, where he has brought his artistry to the screen, captivating audiences with his performances. His ability to adapt and excel in diverse settings is a testament to his versatility and professionalism as a dancer. Whether on stage, in front of the camera, or collaborating with fellow artists, Julian continues to leave an indelible mark on the dance industry. In his quest for artistic growth, Julian has actively sought training opportunities at prestigious dance programs and workshops. He has participated in Springboard Danse Montreal, The School at Jacob’s Pillow, Momentum Montreal, and the Movement Invention Project. These experiences have allowed him to refine his technique, expand his creative horizons, and connect with dancers and choreographers from around the world. In recent years, Julian has shifted his focus towards composition and activism. He founded his own nonprofit organization called Bodies in Action ~ enGendering Contemporary Dance, with the aim of promoting equal representation of all gender identities in the field of contemporary dance. Through this initiative, Julian strives to challenge traditional norms and create a more inclusive and diverse dance community. Since its inception, Julian has created a short dance film, two evening-length works, and multiple duets, solos, and group pieces. Julian’s passion for dance extends beyond his own performances and activism. He has also shared his knowledge and expertise through teaching engagements. He has conducted company classes for prestigious dance companies such as the Rambert Dance Company, New Adventures, Corey Baker Dance in London, and NDC Wales in Cardiff. By teaching and mentoring aspiring dancers, Julian contributes to the growth and development of the next generation of dance artists. Currently based in London, UK, Julian continues to make a profound impact on the dance world through his performances, choreography, and advocacy work. His dedication to pushing boundaries, challenging stereotypes, and fostering inclusivity in contemporary dance establishes him as a dynamic and influential figure in the field.


        5 W’s:
        Who: Bodies In Action
        Where & What: We are based in London, UK and have spent one week at Akropoditi for a Research & Development period for a new creation.
        When: Feb 19-26, 2024.
        Why: A nice time to get away from the noise of the city and focus on creating/generating material in an intimate space.

        During our residency at Akropoditi, we dedicated our time to exploring methods of connecting with our most authentic selves through movement, texture, and presence. Our process began with warming up both body and mind through meditation and physical exercises, preparing ourselves for the tasks ahead. I developed various exercises inspired by everyday movements and fidgeting motions to aid in this exploration.
        Throughout the week, we experimented with different approaches to movement generation, honing in on those that resonated most with our intentions. This culminated in the creation of a 15-minute work-in-progress piece, built around a central concept that encapsulated our findings.
        Our experience at Akropoditi was truly delightful. The atmosphere was incredibly welcoming, fostering a sense of warmth and camaraderie among all participants. We wholeheartedly recommend this residency as a transformative opportunity to reconnect with oneself, particularly for those seeking respite from the hustle and bustle of urban life.

        Photos by Xeni Kottaki, Dimitris Baltas, Vivi Sklia

        Valentine Bouvet 1024 819 dancecenter

        Valentine Bouvet

        15/01/24 – 28/01/24

        Visual and Performing Arts
        Title of the project: “The Boundless Food project”

        Description of project: The Boundless Food project

        This new artistic project is about the complex and multifaceted relationship we have with food, our habits, the repetitive patterns we follow, and the boundaries that confine us. Through a series of paintings, this project seeks to challenge preconceived notions, question societal norms, and spark conversations about our culinary experiences.
        Through the exploration of repetitive patterns and movements, “the boundless food project” will take shape on deep studies using my own body to understand and examine the cyclic nature of my own eating habits, raising questions about their impact on my overall well-being.
        It will be also very interesting to work with other volunteers. I would like to document the whole process of research through dance and movement.
        After this first step, I want to develop preparatory drawings of those gestures that govern our eating routines, from daily rituals to indulgences, and examines the boundaries – both physical and psychological – that surround our choices.
        At the end of residency, I would love to present few paintings celebrating the pleasures of culinary exploration while shedding light on the potential pitfalls and limitations of our habits and societal expectations.
        By intertwining elements of personal introspection with universal themes, this project endeavors to inspire viewers to break free from rigid patterns, embrace culinary diversity, and cultivate a more mindful and liberated approach to food.

        Open presentation: Saturday 27 January 2024
        20:30, Free Entrance

        Workshop of visual arts and movement with Valentine Bouvet
        Saturday January 20th: 17:30-20:00
        Free submission

        Valentine Bouvet

        Valentine BOUVET is a French artist and figurative painter born in 1994.
        Her journey as an artist began during her childhood and later when she was experimenting with different art mediums. She first studies applied arts during high school where she developed a real interest in drawing and fashion design. Then, she decided to deepen both cursus and practice her art aside working for different brands as fashion designer.
        During her 20’s, Valentine developed a deep passion for paintings and was particularly drawn to the expressive power of color. Her works delves into a wide range of costal and cultural issues, such as gender stereotypes, consumerism, beauty standards and the impact of social media. This year, she participates, for the second time, to Le Cercle de l’Art, a big community of women artists who work on sharing their artistic process and encouraging others to use art as a means of expression and social change.


        – Valentine Bouvet, visual French artist based in Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, came for a two weeks artistic residency from 15th to 28th of February to work on her Boundless Food Project.
        – During my two weeks residency, I worked on how I feel about food and how I can translate this feelings about this complex relationship with my body and movement.
        First week was dedicated to researches and second week was dedicated to painting final canvas.
        It was very precious to be able to work with women during my workshop to collect their testimonies. I want to continue this project with more workshops in France and Europe. This residency is a starting point of this new reflexion.
        Regarding the space, I would have liked to have a clean room to stay in and dedicated space for my practice so as not to have to move my equipment every day. The dance studio was not very suitable for practicing visual arts.
        Be able to participate to courses was a real chance, especially yoga which help me to focus on me and my project.

        Photos by Konstantina Thanasouli

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