Workshop of visual arts and movement with Valentine Bouvet

Workshop of visual arts and movement with Valentine Bouvet 1024 691 dancecenter

Σάββατο 20 Ιανουαρίου 2024, 17:30-20:00
Ελεύθερη Συμμετοχή

Απαραίτητη δήλωση συμμετοχής: έως την Παρασκευή 19 Ιανουαρίου
Δευτέρα-Πέμπτη 16:00-21:00, Παρασκευή 17:00-21:00 και Σάββατο 10:00-13:00, τηλέφωνο: 22810-80690


THE BOUNDLESS FOOD WORKSHOP is a live model course, with dancers exploring their gestures, to capture natural and exaggerating movements of their own eating habits. Participants, in turn, will pose and capture these gestures, like a therapy.
With this masterclass, I invite participants –from 16 years old– to embark on a sensory journey, challenging themselves to question their own relationship with food, confront their boundaries and discover new possibilities of moving.

Valentine Bouvet

Valentine BOUVET is a French artist and figurative painter born in 1994.
Her journey as an artist began during her childhood and later when she was experimenting with different art mediums. She first studies applied arts during high school where she developed a real interest in drawing and fashion design. Then, she decided to deepen both cursus and practice her art aside working for different brands as fashion designer.
During her 20’s, Valentine developed a deep passion for paintings and was particularly drawn to the expressive power of color. Her works delves into a wide range of costal and cultural issues, such as gender stereotypes, consumerism, beauty standards and the impact of social media. This year, she participates, for the second time, to Le Cercle de l’Art, a big community of women artists who work on sharing their artistic process and encouraging others to use art as a means of expression and social change.


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